Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Lightning Bolt Fangs and Lucid Geometries

Attention grabbing, isn't it? Well since this post will not, we repeat, WILL NOT, contain a poached YouTube clip we had to resort to non-visual entertainment, the oft ill-formed and maligned, non-sequitur phrase, or "headline." Call it a lead in, the tip of the iceberg, the icing right before the buttery cake. Call it what you will. But don't call it sloppy blogging. We've heard our share of outcry over our lack of original content and utter disregard for our readership.

Once we had dreams or visions, shamanic visions, of being bigger than Gawker. Of being the captains of our own magic carpets that we would ride to the edge of electronic journalism and beyond, powered by twin F-15 engines. Then you wake up one day and realize the milk you just ate in your cereal was spoiled, and a cigarette won't even make things right. These are days like those. And we ask you, you, our valiant readership, to weather this rough patch with us, this dark period, this void, and stay with us. Banality is like eating liver. It doesn't taste good. We know this. The cooks are in the kitchen preparing a feast of content. We hope you're hungry. Oh and if you're a vegetarian please indicate that by checking the vegetable lasagna on your invite.

Stay pleased,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's nice. can i see a dog pooping on his owner now?